Thursday, April 19, 2007

Thankyou secret pal

My knitty sp sent me a scrummy package with yarn, chocolate, gifts for the kiddies and a garden ornament.

this is some of the yarn she sent me. I'm taking part in a group project with my knit group. We're all knitting squares out of scrummy coloured wools that we will then swap with each other so we can all make really nice coloured blankets. Made one as a group project for a preggers friend as a baby blanket and decided it turned out so well that we all wanted one for ourselves. This yarn will be absolutely perfect towards my share of the project. I also got some really nice variegated cotton. Wish I could get cheap cotton in nice colours here, but a taster is certainly better than nothing.

Girlchild took great delight in finding play dough. She adores this stuff and will spend hours playing with it. The lad is rather impressed with it as well and has stuck his poster up on his wall.

So thank you sp. Can't wait for the next instalment.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That square looks great! I'm glad you like the yarn.

Your sp