Monday, April 02, 2007

April challenge

I know it's now day 2, but I'm going to recount my day 1 first.

A lot of my list is stuff that I need to do at home, so will have to wait until then. However, I have finished one of my WIP, for F, begun a swatch for a pattern idea for M, begun spinning roving for S and eaten loads of fresh veggies for V.

I've also put onions, carrots and muchrooms into the beef stew for tonight that will also be served with cabbage and peas. so a good start on day 2.

I'm off in a minute to take the daughter for a walk for my 20 minutes daily exercise and i'm declaring that chasing the girlchild about Cledry Yarner's party yesterday counted as my exercise for yesterday.

I'm still debating about whether buying roving off her yesterday was breaking the yarn diet. I say no, because I asked to get it over a month ago and it was just the luck of the draw that ment I didn't see her until the first day of my yarn diet. She says this stuff will be good for socks, so I'm going to see about spinning it up so I can make thick socks for camping. I think I'll spin, then ply, then dye with food colourings, a nice dark green. I'll use something simple, probably the silver's sock class pattern I used for my opal socks. I know it works and makes nice shaped socks.

Today's plan is to finish the swatch, go into truro this afternoon to visit the yarn shop there, to buy some embroidery thread to stitch onto the swatch, spin a bit more of this yarn and ply enough to do a guage swatch and sew up a knit toy for another finished WIP.

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