Monday, April 09, 2007

500 yards of sock yarn

I think I got a little enthusiastic this week with the spinning and I've estimated that this is 500 yards of handspun sock yarn, all ready to dye. I think it's gonna be a greenish colour. Definitely can't stay white if I'm going to wear it camping. anyway, it's about 130g of yarn there, so is not too far off the weight I would expect from a commercial sock yarn of about 200 yards per 50g. I'm feeling very pleased with myself atm for being able to get an even-ish yarn of the right weight on my first try spinning sock yarn.


Anonymous said...

That is really impressive! I've just started learning to spin and it's fun, but my yarn Horrible! I'm keeping it, for fun, though.

Just wanted to apologize for not being in touch that much. Life has really gotten in the way with sick family members. A box is going out today by Priority, so in 4-6 days you should get it. I'm waiting for some yarn, and then another box will be in the mail, hopefully next week. Would you like some roving in your last box? I can get my hands on some lovely alpaca that can be dyed. Let me know.

Your SP

Artis-Anne said...

Popped over from Cledry Yarner for a nosey on your spinning :)
Isn't it so satisfying to spin your own yarn ,in my case on a wheel . I admire you doing it on a drop spindle that must have taken some time!!
I have just dyed some of my spun sock yarn,check my blog if you like:)and knitting it up at the moment . I'm totally hooked and thinking of other ideas re dyeing