Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Writing up my buisness plan today.

I think I've got an idea for something interesting to offer for sale, not necessarily something incredibly sellable, but something that will hopefully attract a lot of attention to the more mundane and more sellable items I can offer. I'll need to buy a bit of kit to start off on making them, probably 50 quid's worth and that is a quarter of what I have to start this thing off. however, if it works, it will be worth it.

I've got several ideas for other things I can be selling. I'm not going to discuss them here, but I am going to start getting together the things I will need to make them.

With my daughter starting nursery part time in September, I need to do something so I don't end up sitting at home twiddling my thumbs. i also owe it to my partner to at least try and make some money to take the pressure off him and be able to pay for some of the things I want. he offered to spend 200 quid on a wheel for me. I've decided that i'll take the 200 quid and use it for this idea and hopefully buy my own wheel and more.

1 comment:

Batty said...

Good luck!