Monday, May 14, 2007

to recover from absurdities

I need to get back down to earth, or in my case, down to compost. I moved the bootfull of compost out of my car this afternoon, unfortunately, it will then need to be put back into the car and transported from my postage stamp of a front garden to my allotment, having been soaked for a few days. I am really delighted at the prospect of this task.

I've also knit more blanket squares and started on a couple of new projects.

1. another pair of happy socks because I like the pattern

2. a freeform blanket, just garter stitch, but with random shaped patches and colours, because I had bits of leftover handspun and handspun is too precious not to use it all up.

Camping again this weekend. Just one night this time. I'll have to pack my Thursday, because I'll be meeting up with bumblefee on Friday. I'm also skipping out on a few hours of camp to see a few London area knittys. Another busy weekend and a big hint that I might finally be growing something vaguely resembling a social life. I'm not entirely sure about that though. I've been without one so long, it's hard to recognise one creeping up on me.

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