Friday, March 09, 2007

still recovering

Thought I'd just add a pic of ye great lump of cat in here. just because I feel like it.

However, the stitches came out a few days ago, I can just about walk again, but it's really, really hard work. Trying to keep cheerful, but it's hard when all the help and sympathy has dried up and my leg has completely seized up. I don't think people quite understand that I've been almost not using that leg for a month. it will take more than just getting the stitches out for everything to get back to normal and for the pain to go. Still can't put normal level of weight on the op site without wanting to groan. Still, it's better than wanting to scream or cry.

It's taking me half an hour to walk half a mile, I'm getting snarky looks from people who were oh so full of offers to help when they saw crutches, but now can't understand why I'm not able to run after a playful toddler and why I'm not going to go do a load of extra work, when just trying to keep to normal is exhausting. Constant pain really is incredibly tiring.

It's not bad being outside a while though. I've always been prone to feeling really miserable and tired in the winter. A month stuck inside is not good for my mental health, particularly after the long dark months. Taking ages to walk at least keeps me outside and away from the computer a while. Guess it's worth needing to hit the codeine again, although hopefully since i'm now taking a lot less, they won't make me hallucinate again.

Online friends are great, done a lot of keeping me sane over the last month. I've literally been sitting here talking to them instead of having the time to feel sorry for myself. But I still need sunshine and I'm going to try and keep away from the machine a bit over the next few weeks. Off the boards, off chat, go talk face to face with some people. Plus get away from some of the nastiness that's been going about some places. Sometimes being the one that is upset by something and willing to talk about it, standing out from the herd makes you know who your real friends are and who isn't worth the time of day.

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