Tuesday, February 20, 2007

what a great day

Just got a package from my knitty SP, scrummy yarn, masks for the kids, kool aid and chocolate. I'll photograph it later, but I'm very, very happy with what she sent me and I'm working on how to size the fuzzi feet for my daughter

I also ordered some Shetland yarn, some combed tops, a spindle and a knitting thimble form Jamieson and Smith. Lovely person on the phone. postage costs are the cost of postage and their prices are like nothing we normally see in the UK, CHEAP. Can't wait for it to arrive.


Anonymous said...

I'm so happy you got it. Wow, that was fast! It always amazes me that mail will get from here to you faster than from here to across my country!

Ask your kids, for the next package, if they have any requests from Stateside.

Batty said...

Packages are always good. Like a birthday, only random!