Friday, February 23, 2007

pinwheel blanket

Finished finally. I decided that the idea of a lacy border wouldn't work, so just did a ruffle on the edge instead. My daughter has decided it makes a great lawn in her games. She plays with toys on it and has picnics on it.

however, you can check the flickr account to see what she's done to herself. I can't bring myself to copy that picture here because she did look so cute and now looks an absolute fright. She did that to herself. I suppose it could have been much worse than a haircut.

Apart from that. I ordered myself and himself 2gig usb sticks from dabs. They arrived 22 hours after I'd ordered them with standard postage. Got to call that good service.

I'm also going to be bottling my first red wine tonight, hopefully drinking some of it as well. I've also got the orange wine to decant into a demijohn. it's starting to make my front room stink. i know that will take ages to be ready, so I'll look into getting another cheap kit on Saturday. They are drinkable enough for the cost of them.


Anonymous said...

The blanket is lovely - another one to add to my wishlist.
But the haircut?!! How did you react? How did she react? Like you say it could have been worse, and one day you'll laugh about it...bless her!

Toggle said...

I'm laughing already, when I don't have to look at it. She was so proud of having done it. I'd cut her fringe a few days ago and started showing her how to use toenail clippers herself. Teach me to teach my kid to be independent.

Unknown said...

Oh no! I think almost every kid has a haircutting experience at some point.

My youngest sister had beautiful blondish curly waist length hair. One night she went to sleep with gum in her mount and didn't want my mom to find out, so she cut one side of her hair so it was about 3" long. :O
We had to take her and get it all chopped off so it was even, I think my mom was more upset than my sister was!

Batty said...

Wow, it's big and lovely! And it's cat approved.

Annie said...

I'm working on a pinwheel now... do you mind me asking how you did the ruffle? I like your edging!
Aah, I still remember the spanking I got for cutting my own hair AND my younger sisters as a kid!! Ha ha!! It was a disaster. It's a right of passage, isn't it?