Saturday, April 05, 2008

more blanket squares

OK, moving on from the mad sock making frenzy, I've decided i need to knit something that can be shown to be a finished item or module every day. This may be part of a WIP like a jumper sleeve, or blanket squares, or a sock or a completed item from the WIP pile.

In effect, April will be my month of finished stuff.

I want to get the WIp pile to something reasonable, and along with the great stashbusting blanket, I should be able to get all my craft kit fitting into the boxes I bought for it. This will however, be classed as a minor miracle, so don't hold your breath waiting for it.

anyway, here's a picture of some completed blanket squares for today's 'finished' effort.

1 comment:

Batty said...

You really are on a roll. That blanket will be done in no time!