Friday, June 15, 2007

it's a wrap, it's a girlchild wrap

OK, So anyone who guesses where I misquoted the title from wins an ice cream, but I just couldn't resist. This is what happened to the roving from dragonfibers on etsy that Fee gave me. It was so scrummy and soft, I just had to spin it as a low twist chunky to keep it that soft. And since it's super wash, a gift for girlchild was definitely in order.

So I adapted a pattern to make it right for me to knit and for her to wear and here we go, a girlchild wrap that she said thankyou for without any prompting at all and absolutely refuses to take off.

So these are another pair of happy socks from magknits.

I'm still waiting for the giant rug to dry so i can weave in ends, then I'll finish another project and cast on for another giant rug, this time tying together small balls of leftovers and stuff as well as using up some more of the rug yarns.

1 comment:

Batty said...

The wrap is very pretty, but she looks a little disgruntled. Oh, well. Ice cream should fix her right up!