Monday, June 25, 2007

beginning lace

yes, you are actually reading that label right, 435 yards to the oz. it's finer than nylon sewing thread.

And this is what it's becoming, the first, beginner lace scarf in Victorian Lace Today. I thought if I was going to knit in something that fine, I'd at least try to make it easy on myself and knit a simple pattern instead of something hugely complex.

it's taking some getting used to working with something that fine, but I think I'm getting there. I've knit a bit more since I took that pic and I'm getting to the point where I need to start thinking about how long to make it. I've decided not to make it any longer than my arm span. It's too fine to be practical for anything, and will be very, very light, so I won't want really long ends flapping everywhere. I should be able to finish it tonight.

I'll have to finish something else before I get another cast on though. So far, I'm wavering between my branching out and starting to try and get some of the cloth bags completed so I can start using them.

1 comment:

Batty said...

Wow, I've never knit with anything that fine. It looks like it's going well, though, so keep it up!